Monday, September 24, 2007

Yay blogging is fun!

In case no-one has noticed, let me point out that my internet-related activity spikes under two circumstances:
  1. When I have uni assessments due (currently, my Law Honours thesis... due Oct 24. I have only written one chapter); and
  2. When an election is looming (Kevin07!!!).
So here we are, at an eclipse of both phenomena!

This post-comeback post is what, 10 months late? If the maths is wrong, please don't hate me, cause it's 1:18am.

This new layout is nice, though, don't cha think?

I won't say 'stay tuned...' because I'm not sure if there will be anything after the static crackle to follow... but we'll see. There's only so much (fluff)Friend petting I can do and there are just hours to be procrastinated away...

x Sunili

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